Monday, February 14, 2011


passenger train station Laja-Talcahuano and San Rosendo

Cab branch in San Rosendo, Train Lastrero Locomotive with D-710, pending the passing of the "short" (Train 20 845) to restart his move to dump ballast Buenuraqui. Meanwhile, the Mobilizer is ready to wait for the passenger to carry the flag signals.

Photos: San Rosendo, May 13, 2009.

In the upper right side, we Automotive AES-20 approaching the cockpit San Rosendo branch.

start flag signals from the Mobilizer.

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Past Passenger Train Station Laja-Talcahuano and San Rosendo

The Deputy passenger train is ready to deliver the ring to Mobilizing and then removed on the fly, the new ring, where will the staff that he may use the block and will be free via the indicator .

The train has gone under and follows its route. His next stop will be at Station Buenuraqui.